Medium size dogs (from 10 to 20 kilos)

Incl.nail clipping, bath and conditioning, ear cleaning

example Cocker spaniels, medium Poodles, Lagottos, Spanish Pero, Barbet, Irish terriers, Soft-coated terriers, Bedlington, Bassets- petit griffon, fauve bretagne, cockapoo-cavapoo, puli, pumi, standard schnauzers, springer spaniels

Cut length:

Short cut (Bikini cut) with clipper all at the same length from 2 to 5 mm, from nose to tail-komfort klipp 1300 SEK

Sport cut - all the same length from 3 to 10 mm, styling tail and head with scissors -1480 SEK

Styling and breed cut all over the body with clippers and scissors, longer cut on body and legs 10-25 mm -1650 SEK

Scissoring allover-long coat(10 mm-25mm)-2100 SEK

Medium size dogs (from 10 to 20 kilos)

SPA (bath, conditioner, de-shedding, paw fix, nail cut, ear cleaning)

Short-haired: beagles, shar-pei, American Stafordshire bullterrier etc. from 1100 SEK

Japanese spits -from 1300 SEK

German spits keeshond-1650 SEK

Finlands spits -1650 SEK

Australian shepherd mini 1480 SEK

Australian Shepherd 1650 SEK

Bearded collie 1650 SEK

Springer spaniels 1650 SEK


Hand stripping with styling: incl.bath, nails cut,ear cleaning

Cocker spaniels 2100 SEK

Standard schnauzers from 2100 sek

Irish terrier from 1650 SEK

Basset griffon  2100 SEK

Basset fauve bretagne from 1650 SEK

Dachshund 1480SEK